HRH Princess Astrid of Belgium, Representative of His Majesty the King with alnasser group, schreder company and Riyadh Municipality

Sheikh Ali Al Nasser and Mohammed Alnasser, give plaque of appreciation to HRH Princess Astrid of Belgium for her interest in the Al Nasser Group - Schreder Cooperation. Saudi Arabia, April 2014

Plaque of Appreciation is presented to Riyadh Municipality in The Recognition of Energy Saving initiatives in LED Street Lighting

HRH Princess Astrid of Belgium, Representative of His Majesty the King with alnasser group, schreder company and Riyadh Municipality
Recognition of Energy Saving Initiatives in Street Lighting by Riyadh Municipality
& contribution of Schréder Group, Belgium and Al Nasser Group, Saudi Arabia”
Al Nasser Group with Schréder, recognition to Riyadh Municipality for their leading role in changing the road lighting market from conventional lighting technology to LED technology.
This leading role is a significant step in facing the challenges with regards to the growing demand for energy in Saudi Arabia. We are all fortunate that with the initiative of Riyadh Municipality The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will benefit from your contribution to energy saving.
Lighting is one of the largest energy consumers. It uses 19% of world’s energy. If conventional lighting technology would be replaced by innovative lighting solutions, more than 40% of lighting energy could be saved. This would equal 19 Million barrels of oil per day, or 700 billion USD per year.
Saving energy is for Saudi Arabia an urgent matter. At this moment Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producer in the world. It represents 13% of the global oil production and 5% of the global energy production. One-quarter of its total oil production is currently used for national consumption. But with the increasing energy consumption with a growth rate of approximately 7% per year Saudi Arabia will become a net oil importer in 2038.
To break this trend the government of Saudi Arabia has launched initiatives to reduce the domestic consumption of energy to which Riyadh Municipality responded adequately and directly by using LED lighting technology for road lighting. It is an outstanding accomplishment that already in their first project 11.800 road lighting luminaires were replaced by LED lighting solutions, which will save 1.7 Mega Watt Hour per year, equivalent to a saving of 14 million USD over 10 years.
The future projects that are announced by Riyadh Municipality will deliver an additional yearly saving of 13 Million USD per year, 130 Million USD over a period of 10 years.
If the 2 other major cities in the kingdom will follow the leading example of Riyadh Municipality it will result in a yearly saving of 37 Million USD yearly.
The fact that Riyadh Municipality has taken the initiative and leading role to reduce energy by using innovative lighting solutions is a source of pride and inspiration to us all. We, Al Nasser- Schreder, would like to congratulate Riyadh Municipality with this well-deserved recognition.